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5 Startups pour les amateurs de chat

 Par petbucket le 26 août 2015 |
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Démarrage de votre propre entreprise peut être une façon créative et épanouissante de gagner de l'argent supplémentaire, et plus de gens que jamais tournent leurs passions et passe-temps en entreprises lucratives. Alors qu'il ya des centaines de ressources en ligne pour aider entre ...

Les avantages et les inconvénients de l'assurance pour animaux de compagnie

 Par petbucket le 19 août 2015 |
The field of veterinary medicine has advanced significantly in recent years. There are now veterinary cardiologists, vet...

Chiens de sauvetage et les enfants peuvent mélanger - Cinq conseils pour le collage

 Par petbucket le 13 août 2015 |
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If your family is adopting a rescue dog, you may have some concerns about how your child and new dog will interact with ...

Grippe Dog - Conseils pour protéger votre chien contre la maladie

 Par petbucket le 05 août 2015 |
Canine influenza, popularly known as "dog flu," has become a growing concern among dog owners who haven't heard of the illness and aren't sure how to protect their pets. Some areas of the country have seen wide outbreaks of the illness, with some dog...

7 Faits sur Declawing votre chat

 Par petbucket le 30 juil 2015 |
By Gail Fero   Congratulations, you've decided on a cat! Though the decision might have seemed monumental, it was only t...

Enseigner aux enfants les principes fondamentaux de la bonne conduite des chiens

 Par petbucket le 22 juil 2015 |
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Children should know how to honor the feelings and boundaries of other living creatures, whether human or not, and these...

5 conseils pour voyager avec un chien

 Par petbucket le 15 juil 2015 |
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Even though you want to take your dog with you when traveling, it's not always easy. If you want to make the journey as comfortable as possible, there are some simple things that can make your trip more enjoyable for everyone, including your furry co...

Chubby Dog - Faire des changements pour améliorer la santé de votre chien

 Par petbucket le 09 juil 2015 |
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Obesity is a growing issue in the human population, and it's not surprising that this problem is also affecting dogs. Ex...

Six jeux faciles à jouer avec votre chaton

 Par petbucket le 02 juil 2015 |
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Congratulations on your new kitten!  Getting a kitten is an exciting time for your entire family.  As you may have alrea...

Enseigner un vieux chien

 Par petbucket le 25 juin 2015 |
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  If you have adopted an older rescue dog, you will be giving them a second chance at the life they deserve. The thing is, they might come along with their own baggage. The good news is that you can train a rescue dog if you stick with it and have th...
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