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Si vous allez patinage à roulettes avec votre chien?

 Par jaime le 20 août 2014 |
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  We all know how important it is to make sure your dog has plenty of regular exercise, usually in the form of a brisk walk or even some swimming in the warmer weather – but what happens if you're partial to roller skating? Is that a suitable activi...

Devriez-vous marcher votre chien chaque jour?

 Par jaime le 20 août 2014 |
  We're often told that we need around 30 minutes a day of exercise to keep us healthy and our weight under control. At...

Chiens, sensible, estomac

 Par danielle le 19 août 2014 |
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Some dogs seem to be able to eat just about anything and feel just fine, from garbage, to an unidentifiable dead thing t...

Skin Tags: Sont-ils dangereux?

 Par simone le 19 août 2014 |
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With the all knowledge of skin cancer and the dangers of malignant lumps, it's not surprising that any new or unusual growth on your pet’s skin causes concern. However, skin tags are quite common, particularly in older pets, and are generally nothing...

5 raisons pour lesquelles votre chat tremble

 Par danielle le 18 août 2014 |
Cats, like people, can start shaking to keep warm. There might be a problem however if your cat seems to shiver and trem...

Comment contrôler l'apport alimentaire pour les chats multiples

 Par michelle le 19 août 2014 |
A large percentage of cat owners have more than one cat. This can complicate things in terms of food, especially if one ...

Comment donner à votre chien un bain sans stress

 Par jaime le 18 août 2014 |
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The thought of giving a dog a bath can strike fear even in the bravest of people. And dogs are even less thrilled. However bath time is an important factor in your dog's overall health and wellbeing, promoting hygiene and cleanliness. And you benefit...

Que faire quand votre chat vous réveille trop tôt

 Par jaime le 18 août 2014 |
Les pitreries charmantes et affectueuses de votre chat peuvent vous ravir pendant la journée, mais vous vous sentez probablement tout à fait différent quand...

5 façons d'aider votre chat comme votre nouveau partenaire

 Par jaime le 17 août 2014 |
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Unfortunately, there is no guarantee that your cat will approve of your choice of partner. While you may have foreseen t...

Votre chat est-il trop amical?

 Par jaime le 17 août 2014 |
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Friendly cats can be an utterly delightful addition to your household. They typically seek out affection, love being cuddled and have outgoing personalities that make them social companions as well as pets. However, there are specific circumstances i...
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