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Conseils utiles pour arrêter les aboiements excessifs

 Par jaime le 27 juil 2014 |
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There is no feeling more frustrating than trying to silence a dog that is barking excessively. Excessive barking can occur in a number of situations for various reasons. One common instance of excessive barking occurs when visitors come to your home....

Maladies infectieuses courantes chez les chats

 Par jaime le 27 juil 2014 |
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Summer is in full swing and families have migrated outdoors to enjoy the warm weather while it lasts. As you head outdoo...

Qu'est-ce que votre chien vous dit avec ses yeux?

 Par jaime le 27 juil 2014 |
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Human beings express a range of emotions using various physical movements and expressions. As a human, you can show your...

Survivre à la dentition chez les chiots

 Par jaime le 26 juil 2014 |
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C'est un point facile de conduire à la maison à maintes reprises, mais ramener à la maison un nouveau chiot a beaucoup en commun avec accueillir un bébé humain dans la famille. Il ya beaucoup de douleurs de croissance que les chiots et leurs propriétaires devront passer par les deux côtés adjus ...

Comment transporter votre chat dans la chaleur

 Par michelle le 26 juil 2014 |
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Most cats prefer to be left home, but if you’re traveling somewhere together or just need to take your cat to the vet, f...

Comment garder les chats non invités hors de votre jardin

 Par simone le 26 juil 2014 |
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What can you do when there are other cats in your garden - and you don't want them there! Cats are experts at climbing ...

6 trucs pour le Perfect Doggy Playdate

 Par michelle le 25 juil 2014 |
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If you want to set your dog up with a furry friend but don't know where to begin, here are some simple tips to create both a fun and safe environment for your dog's playdate. 1. Set the playdate up in a safe, neutral environment This could be a dog...

Pourquoi mon chat mâche-t-il les doigts?

 Par danielle le 25 juil 2014 |
Ouch! One moment you are cuddling your soft purring kitty and the next moment their teeth are embedded in your finger. W...

Déplacez la maison avec votre chat - sans stress!

 Par danielle le 24 juil 2014 |
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Cats tend not to be keen on strangers in the house, new environments or hustle and bustle, making the general craziness ...

Pourquoi les chiots Nip et comment l'arrêter

 Par jaime le 25 juil 2014 |
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What is it? Nipping, also known as gentle mouthing is not biting. It's something that puppies do a lot of and most of the time it's while they play. Controlling the force of their nipping or gentle mouthing is called bite inhibition and usually puppi...
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