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Chats et maladies cardiaques

 Par jaime le 21 juil 2014 |
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Cardiomyopathy is the most common type of heart disease that appears in cats, but it can develop in a range of different forms and the causes, treatments and prognosis can be quite diverse. Here's what you need to know about heart disease in cats. T...

Comment choisir le bon chaton

 Par michelle le 20 juil 2014 |
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When you decide to adopt a kitten, there’s several things you should consider besides which one is the cutest. That ador...

Déformations squelettiques chez les chats

 Par danielle le 19 juil 2014 |
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A number of skeletal deformities can affect the health of cats. Whilst not common ailments, deformities either genetical...

Comment aider votre chat à faire face à la chaleur

 Par jaime le 18 juil 2014 |
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As we approach the middle of summer and the temperatures really begin to soar, spare a thought for your feline friend who may be suffering the effects of the heat much worse than you are… Cats sweat through their paws so it can be difficult to detec...

Colite et IBD chez les chats

 Par jaime le 18 juil 2014 |
When it comes to the human body, many people are in tune with the messages their bodies are sending them. Issues with co...

Les chiens peuvent-ils vraiment nous comprendre?

 Par danielle le 19 juil 2014 |
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It seems uncanny the amount dogs seem to understand when we chat to them around the house. The words ‘walkies,’ ‘treat’ ...

Comment aider votre chien à surmonter la peur de l'escalier

 Par danielle le 18 juil 2014 |
Comme certains lecteurs le savent, certains chiens sont pétrifiés de monter et descendre les escaliers. Pour nous, cela peut paraître stupide - c'est juste un escalier! Mais il est important de garder à l'avant-garde de votre esprit que votre chien n'est pas «faire semblant» d'avoir peur ou ...

Que faire si votre chat a un problème de suce

 Par danielle le 19 juil 2014 |
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Some cats, when cuddled up on their owner’s lap, have a habit of taking a hold of part of their clothes in their mouth a...

Chiens et piégeage de crapauds: Signes à surveiller

 Par danielle le 20 juil 2014 |
Toads are a common and for the most part harmless feature of backyards around the world – however a certain number of sp...

Que faire si vous avez un Velcro Cat

 Par jaime le 17 juil 2014 |
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Does your cat do any of the following? Following you everywhere you go (yes, even to the bathroom). Sulking, meowing or slinking away while you are getting ready to leave the house. Crying or meowing when you have left the house or even when you...
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