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Out of Options: Finding a Professional Pet Sitter Part 2

 Par zack le 17 mars 2013 |
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We’ll jump right in where we left off in our last post: with the interview process. After you’ve narrowed the field of applicants and checked your potential professional pet sitter’s credentials with a phone screening, reference check, and possibly...

Out of Options: Finding a Professional Pet Sitter Part 1.

 Par zack le 14 mars 2013 |
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Sometimes keeping a steady job can be difficult. Especially if you have a pet at home who’s attention starved and lonely...

The Health Benefits of Pet Ownership

 Par zack le 09 mars 2013 |
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Everyone hears about how owning a pet can improve their quality of life. However, it’s easy to take such claims with a g...

Fat Cats and Pudgy Puppies: How to Prevent Pet Obesity

 Par zack le 06 mars 2013 |
Obesity is a big problem for people. It’s an even bigger problem for pets. At least people occasionally have the wherewithal to go see a doctor and make lifestyle changes. Dogs and cats rarely have that luxury. Unfortunately, a lot of folks will tole...

Pets and Babies: A Match Made in Adorable Heaven!

 Par zack le 03 mars 2013 |
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Most pet owners know that having a dog or cat around the house can enrich their lives immeasurably. What they might not ...

Brazillian Pet Motel: A Flair For the Dramatic

 by zack on 23 Feb 2013 |
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Just in case you thought you were acting a little too crazy for your own good when it comes to your pet, I’m bringing yo...

Chat People, Dog People et Personnalité

 Par brian le 30 avril 2014 |
  Dogs and cats are the ultimate human companions in contemporary society. So much so, that people end up self-identifying as either one type of person or another.  Dogs win the popularity contest easily, in both terms of ownership and self-identifi...

How to Brush Your Dog: Untangling the Issues

 by zack on 16 Feb 2013 |
Brushing your pet’s fur isn’t just a maintenance issue, it’s  a necessity! Brushing helps keep pets clean, eliminates ex...

Side Effects and Adverse Reactions of Spaying a Cat

 Par brian le 11 févr. 2013 |
After you take your precious princess in to be spayed, you'll want to look out for some common and not so common side e...

Révolution Effets secondaires possibles pour les chiens

 Par zack le 02 juin 2017 |
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Révolution s'est acquis une réputation pour fournir à action rapide et à long terme des traitements contre les ravageurs pour les chiens de toutes sortes. Revolution protège votre chien contre les puces, les vers du cœur, la gale, les tiques et les acariens, ce qui en fait un puissant ennemi mensuel ...
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