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Combien de fois devez-vous nettoyer le bol d'eau de votre chien?

 Par danielle le 01 juil 2014 |
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Would you drink from a glass of water that had been sitting outside for a week? Or a cup that hadn’t been washed in a month? Dog bowls need to be kept clean just as much as our bowls, with unwashed bowls becoming a brew of bacteria and other nasties ...

11 conseils pour garder vos chiens en sécurité dans la voiture

 Par simone le 01 juil 2014 |
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Dogs love being with their humans and humans love being with their dogs. That means that dogs also ride in cars but ther...

Que faire si votre chat cesse d'utiliser la litière

 Par jaime le 30 juin 2014 |
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Litter box problems can cause even the most dedicated cat owner to rethink their pet of choice. Cats are clean and fasti...

Les 15 chiens les plus impopulaires du monde

 Par jaime le 29 juin 2014 |
Nous aimons tous un Labrador et sont incroyablement friands d'un Jack Russel, mais qu'en est-il des races impopulaires de chiens dans le monde. Sans aucune faute de leur part, les races suivantes ne sont pas courantes parmi les propriétaires d'animaux - certains même au bord de l'extinction ...

5 conseils pour tailler les griffes de votre chat

 Par michele le 28 juin 2014 |
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Unless you have an outdoor cat that requires their claws for self-defense, it is best to keep your cat’s claws trimmed e...

4 façons de donner à votre chat une pilule

 Par michelle le 28 juin 2014 |
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Administering pills to your cat may be easy for some, but for many it’s a daily struggle. Thankfully, there are several ...

12 façons de prendre soin de petits chiens

 Par jaime le 28 juin 2014 |
Tiny dogs are becoming increasingly popular particularly among urban city dwellers, people who live in apartments or those who don't have much space. Small dogs are compact, cuddly, transportable, fond of affection and generally more affordable than ...

Un guide pour l'alimentation de votre chat

 Par michelle le 27 juin 2014 |
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The Raw Truth   What other felines, besides domesticated cats, consume their prey cooked? Most likely, you're drawing a...

Comment: aider un chat stressé et trop grooming

 Par jaime le 26 juin 2014 |
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Many cats appear to be pretty cool customers, but that doesn't mean they are exempt from stress and anxiety. If stress b...

Accommoder les grandes races: Est-ce le bon chien pour vous?

 Par simone le 26 juin 2014 |
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Dogs are the most loving, fun, loyal and best to cuddle of all pets. By applying mathematical theory, it follows that the bigger the dog the more loving, fun, loyal and amazing the cuddles. Am I right? Before we get too excited about the cuddles, the...
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