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Filtré par tag ('santé et bien-être')

Quel est le régime correct pour un chien souffrant d'une insuffisance hépatique?

 Par jaime le 26 avr. 2014 |
Receiving a diagnosis of liver failure for your furry friend is an extremely distressing event for the entire family. Knowing that your dog is in pain and unable to perform every tasks such as eating, drinking and going outside to the toilet is heart...

Cinq grands problèmes de santé à surveiller chez les chats âgés

 Par jaime le 22 avr. 2014 |
As your pet cat advances in years, they will unfortunately become more prone to suffering from a range of different medi...

Top cinq conseils de sécurité d'été pour votre chien

 Par wai le 08 avr. 2014 |
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Your dog is a cherished member of your family. Therefore, you usually have to treat your pet as you would handle a young...

Commencez avec le brossage: la santé buccale de votre chien

 Par wai le 03 avr. 2014 |
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Do you have a hard time making your dog's dental hygiene a priority?  You're not alone.  Plenty of pet owners balk at the idea of brushing their dog's teeth.  Perhaps you simply don't think it's necessary to brush your dog's teeth.  Maybe you find it...

Toxines canines: 7 plantes dans et autour de votre maison qui sont toxiques pour les chiens

 Par wai le 19 mars 2014 |
Many breeds of dogs are infamous for their tendency to eat anything and everything in sight. Whether you might think of ...

Guide de perte de poids pour les chats

 Par wai le 12 mars 2014 |
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Is your feline friend beginning to look more like a pot-bellied pig than a cat?  It might be time to start a weight loss...

5 façons de vérifier votre chien pour les puces

 Par wai le 28 février 2014 |
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If you have a dog, then you need to check it for fleas on a regular basis. Fleas can be found in almost every area of the country, especially during the spring and summer months. Just because you keep your home clean and tidy does not meant your dog ...

Le Top 5 Symptômes à être conscient de chez les chiens

 Par wai le 04 février 2014 |
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It can be hard to tell when your dogs require veterinary attention. If you brought them to the doctor every time they ha...

Lecture de votre chien étiquette des ingrédients alimentaires: ce que vous devriez rechercher et ce que vous devriez éviter

 Par wai le 22 janv. 2014 |
When it comes to feeding your dog, you have a lot of options to choose from.  You know that table scraps won't provide t...

La maladie du ver du cœur chez les chats

 Par wai le 15 janv. 2014 |
Until recently, most experts would say that cats did not get heartworms.  Over the past few years, research has begun to show that heartworms are much common in cats than was previously thought.  Prevalence of Heartworm in Cats There have been labo...
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