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15517 testimonials ...and counting 4.97
Beth Dayhoff
Beth Dayhoff
United States, Frederick
01 août 2015
Ordering through you has been easy and always have received my order like clockwork. Like the emails reminding me about my re-order and when it's shipped.
Rebecca Cody
Rebecca Cody
United States, Austin
31 Jul 2015
Excellent service et service à la clientèle! J'ai placé quelques commandes avec PetBucket maintenant, chaque fois que j'ai eu à atteindre le service à la clientèle pour ajuster le calendrier de livraison et chaque fois que j'ai obtenu une réponse rapide et amicale. Non seulement est-ce le site le plus pratique et le moins cher pour commander le heartworm de mes chiens et les médicaments antipuces / tiques, mais ils sont aussi les plus courtois.
gwen shirling
gwen shirling
Beulah Alabama
31 Jul 2015
Petbucket delivers...... On time with great satisfaction...
Nicole Richer
Nicole Richer
Canada, Laval
30 Jul 2015
Hello Mrs or Mrs Yes I was satisfied with my order the delivery has been respected, for despite the envelope against bubbles small boxes that were inside were crushed to happily chewables tablets that were not pierced. be sure that I will place another order for my dogs. When I place another order I will be in Davie Florida, I want to know the delivery time when I was in Florida. Thank you for your cooperation, Thank you in advance hoping for a response from you upon your availability. Have a nice day. Nicole Richer from Quebec Canada
Robert Viola
Robert Viola
United States, Deal Island
30 Jul 2015
Good Price, Quick Service!
James Harris
James Harris
Southwestern Nova Scotia
30 Jul 2015
Service excellent shipping was a bit slow, but not due to Pet Bucket. It is customs etc.
London Roberts
Brunswick, Ga. USA
30 Jul 2015
Good price, good service. Propt shipping.
Janet Jackson
valdosta GA
30 Jul 2015
Le grand article et le prix commanderont encore.
Janet Jackson
valdosta GA
30 Jul 2015
Le grand article et le prix commanderont encore.
annie macmurray
annie macmurray
United States, geneva
29 Jul 2015
Arrive toujours rapidement même devant passer la douane. Le produit fonctionne bien chez mes chats. Prix moins cher que chez mon vétérinaire. Recommande fortement.