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En savoir plus

 Par zack le 05 juin 2013 |
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Pet owners everywhere are up to their eyeballs in dog or cat fur during the hot summer months. Why do cats and dogs shed so much fur? What causes it, and is there any way to slow down the animal shedding onslaught? Today’s topic concerns finding the answers to these questions and explaining the most practical and applicable solutions for pet owners the world over.

Tout d'abord, nous devons trouver ce qui provoque ces vagues massives de perte de cheveux. Comme il s'avère, il peut être beaucoup de différents facteurs. Les principales choses à considérer sont les phases de croissance. La plupart des chiens et des chats commenceront à cultiver de nouveaux manteaux pendant les saisons de printemps et d'automne. C'est parce que le changement de longueur des jours active les signaux chimiques dans leur cerveau. Lorsque les jours deviennent plus longs, la nouvelle couche doit être plus mince et plus courte. Alternativement, quand les jours deviennent plus courts, le nouveau manteau doit être 
thicker and longer. This is a natural adaptation that allows these animals to
 better tolerate the seasonal temperature extremes. This seasonal effect will still be present, but far less pronounced in an exclusively indoor pet.

Other things that can cause shedding are damaged hair, stress, and lifestyle. Damaged or broken hair has to be replaced, and just like a human being can go grey or bald due to stress an animal such as a dog or cat can also experience the same phenomenon. Your pet’s coat is  a reflection of its lifestyle which includes diet. So if the coat is getting thin and dull, you might want to rethink your favorite dog food.

So what can be done to prevent tumbleweeds of dog or cat hair from making your home look like it’s been covered in shag? You have to abide by the hair removal standards.
Grooming- And lots of it! That means brushing at least once a week, it’s often better to do it daily depending on the breed of animal you’ve got. Bathing is another standard you should add to your routine.

Cleaning house- No matter how much hair you get off of a fuzzy friend, they’re always going to have more. Be proactive and consistently vacuum to circumvent the total hairy domination of your dwelling place.

Shaving- Not so much of a solution for short haired pets, but if you’ve got a 
longhaired shedding dog or cat then a seasonal haircut is one of the biggest favors you can do for your four-legged companion.

Protect your assets- Furniture throws, lint rollers, and dryer sheets. Make friends with these items. They’ll keep your possessions as fuzz free as can be expected when sharing space with a furry hurricane.

Vet visits- Many hair loss cases are a direct result of poor pet health. Make sure to schedule regular visits to your vet’s office to ensure this isn’t the case.

It’s a lot of work keeping a clean house with a longhaired pet, so find the right tools and keep a positive attitude. Otherwise you’ll end up under a mountain of pet pelt. 


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