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Pourquoi les chats aiment le chatin

 Par jaime le 29 juin 2014 |
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If you've ever seen a cat go wild as if possessed, then chances are they were probably under the influence of catnip. Catnip is also known as catmint, catwort and field balm - whatever you call it, it has the power to make even the most docile or grumpiest of cats awash with total happiness and bliss - plus it's pretty amusing to witness!

What is catnip?

First off, catnip is not a drug. Rather, it's part of the mint family, which boasts 250 species. It originally came from Europe and Asia and it was always destined to be loved by cats as it's derived from the Latin word 'cataria' meaning 'of a cat.' Essentially when the leaves of the plant are broken a chemical and essential oil called nepetalactone is released which many cats seem to respond to in a very, very positive way.

Why do cats love it?

It's a bit of a myth to say that all cats love catnip. The reality is around half of all cats don't respond at all to it. It's an inherited trait, so not all cats end up with the catnip-loving gene. If you're unsure whether you have a catnip lover on your hands, you'll know by six months of age. Kittens and older cats don't respond either to it's minty goodness. Interestingly, it's not only domestic cats that can fall under the spell of catnip - big cats like lions easily succumb to catnip's powers. We wonder if keeping some catnip in your pocket would help if you came face to face with a lion out in the wild? Essentially, what happens is the chemical nepatalactone mimics a cat's pheromones causing a surge in a cat's brain that makes them want to rub up against the smell. And boy, do they go wild…


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Quels sont les effets secondaires?

Some typical reactions include:

    •    Eat, lick, roll around or sniff the catnip
    •    Rubbing themselves against the catnip
    •    Playing with the catnip
    •    Generally acting bizarrely
    •    Rolling and flipping
    •    Meowing or growling
    •    Hyperactivity
    •    Agression

It is possible for cats to overdose on catnip which can lead to vomiting or diarrhea. If they've had a bit too much catnip they might also be unresponsive, twitch, make random noises or excessively drool. It that's the case, remove them from the catnip - but don't worry, catnip wears off in around 15 minutes and cats do return to their normal selves.

These above reactions are all caused when a cat sniffs catnip, however, if they end up eating the catnip they may in fact become very mellow and sedate.

Is it safe?

Catnip est incroyablement sûr et ne porte aucune menace pour la santé de votre chat. Il n'est pas non plus possible pour votre chat de devenir accro. Toutefois, comme mentionné ci-dessus, si votre chat devient un peu un utilisateur fréquent, ils peuvent souffrir de diarrhée - vous devrez donc rendre l'accès limité.

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How can it be used?

Once you've witnessed what a powerful effect catnip can have on your feline - you'll soon realise that you can use it to your advantage as a trusty training tool. If you want to curb any naughty behaviours or entice your cat to use something like a new bed, a sprinkle of catnip can go a long way. Similarly, you can also make bored kitties entertained by making simple catnip flavoured toys  - try sprinkling an old sock with a bit of catnip.

Il est important de noter que catnip séchés est généralement plus efficace et plus apprécié par les chats que ses homologues en forme de pulvérisation qui ne sont tout simplement pas aussi forte. Vous pouvez également envisager de cultiver certains dans votre jardin, de sorte que vous avez un approvisionnement presque constant de la substance.

Tout chatin sec que vous n'utilisez pas doit être stocké dans le congélateur pour préserver sa puissance.

Can humans use it?

En dépit d'être populaire avec les chats, catnip peut également être très utile pour les humains aussi. Catnip a des propriétés similaires à la camomille afin qu'il puisse être transformé en un thé pour fournir des effets calmants.
It can also be used to help sooth ailments like:
    •    Mosquito bites
    •    Upset stomachs
    • Maux de tête
    •    Coughing
    •    Insomnia
    •    Muscle aches and pains
    •    Chills
    •    Haemorrhoids
    •    Toothache

It can be used as a:
    •    Anaesthetic
    •    Anitbiotic
    • Anti-rhumatismale
    •    Antispasmodic
    •    Astringent
    •    Diuretic

Please note, pregnant women should completely avoid catnip as it can induce uterine contractions.

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