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Tout savoir sur les vétérinaires holistiques

 Par danielle le 03 juil 2014 |
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Alternative medicine, such as acupuncture, herbal remedies, massage therapy, homeopathy and chiropractic services, have become widely popular when it comes to treating human ailments. Now pets are accessing the same treatments through holistic veterinary medicine, which focuses on healing animals through using minimally invasive techniques.
The largest holistic vet body, the American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association (AHVMA) is a proponent of using gentle methods that create as little stress in the patient as possible.
The word ‘holistic’ is key to what holistic vets do, focusing on the entire animal rather than specific body sections in need of health. Also considered is the pet’s lifestyle over its entire life, behaviours, dietary history and emotional stresses.
Prevention is one of the major focuses of holistic vets, with practitioners of massage and chiropractic services providing sessions for many animals when they are in good health in the hope of offsetting problems before they emerge.

Many holistic vets specialise in a particular area of alternative treatment, such as botanical medicine or nutraceutricals, which they use alongside more traditional medical health solutions.
An integrative approach, using aspects of pharmatological medicine and Eastern inspired treatments, is often said to have great results for pets. 



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