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Les régimes différents peuvent-ils affecter le comportement d'un chien?

 Par jaime le 29 août 2014 |
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Il ya beaucoup d'autres facteurs qui affectent le comportement d'un chien, mais beaucoup de gens croient aussi que le régime alimentaire peut aussi être influent.

For dog lovers, what you feed your dog is a polarising topic, and many pet owners get very passionate about it, and while there's no real right or wrong answer, all owners should strive to find the best diet for their dog. All dogs are individuals and will react differently to different foods, much in the same way we do - so it seems quite likely that diet can contribute to behaviour.

Nous sommes généralement très conscients de ce que nous nourrissons nous-mêmes et notre famille - par exemple vous ne nourrissiez pas votre enfant un petit déjeuner plein de sucre et beaucoup de conservateurs, juste avant qu'ils vont à l'école? La même logique ne devrait donc pas être appliquée à nos animaux de compagnie beaucoup aimé?

There are various schools of thought about what diet is best for an energetic and obedient dog but again, we can't stress enough that there isn't one answer and it will come down to trial and error and observing how your dog behaves when eating certain diets. Lifestyle, finances and preferences will also play a role in what diet you'd like to feed your dog, much in the same way it affects our own meal time.

Different diets, different results
Let's take a look at how some of the most popular diets can potentially affect your dog's behaviour…

Commercial dog food
This is a popular option for doggy parents the world over and in general the high quality options do provide your dog with a well rounded and balanced meal, with key nutrients for a happy and healthy dog. However, the cheaper the variety, the more likely fillers in the form of grains and cereal will be present and it's said that a high intake of carbohydrates can affect blood serum levels which is thought to cause aggressive tendencies, mood swings and hyperactivity. However, by avoiding the cheapest food available, you should be completely fine to feed your dog commercial dog food.
Raw feeding
A lot of people like feeding their dogs a raw diet. Dogs seem to enjoy it because they get to enjoy plenty of raw meat and bones, but one of the setbacks from this diet is a lack of calcium which can lead to health issues such a dental problems. Dental issues can also lead to behavioural problems - including aggression and lethargy.

Beaucoup de gens aiment manger un régime rempli d'ingrédients biologiques, et vous ne pouvez pas nier les avantages. Donc, il n'est pas surprenant que de nombreux propriétaires de chiens aussi comme nourrir leurs chiens aliments biologiques. Les aliments pour chiens biologiques peuvent être achetés auprès de nombreux vendeurs en ligne ou magasins pour animaux de compagnie (ou vous pouvez le faire vous-même), et son pro majeur est qu'il ne contient aucun additif chimique, mais comprend tous les avantages nutritionnels que vous obtenez d'autres aliments pour chiens commerciaux Variétés. Généralement, l'alimentation de votre chien organique devrait éliminer et courber tout problème de comportement et si après quelques mois, aucun changement n'a été cité, puis une consultation avec votre vétérinaire devrait être sur les cartes.

A dog's diet that is all natural is similar to the recently popular "Paleo" diet, where you feast on what your ancient ancestors ate. People who feed their dog this sort of diet, generally give their dog animal carcasses, meaty bones and scraps from the butcher. While it resembles nothing of what most people feed their dogs these days, it's said that this type of diet is kinder to the digestive system and reduces unpredictable mood swings.

Variety is the spice of life
Some dog trainers and behaviourists believe that some poor behaviour from dogs can stem not just from what's in the food, but the repetitive nature of it, calling it the "monotony effect." It's said the monotony effect can cause begging and boredom, so even if your dog is hungry, they may refuse to eat it because they are tired of the same thing! If this is something you are experiencing, consult your vet. If you plan to change up your dog's diet, remember to introduce the new food gradually so not to upset their stomach.

Don't get tripped up on treats
Everyone loves a treat, including your pal and usually these treats can be incredibly high in sugar, potentially causing hyperactivity. If you think your dog is hyperactive, then a good way to help is to eliminate what dog treats you are giving them. Remember to always read the label and choose one that is of a high quality.

So in many ways it seems that the old saying 'you are what you eat' can really apply to our dogs too.

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