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Comment se préparer à des frais médicaux imprévus

 Par alexandra le 20 novembre 2014 |
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Breaks, sprains, colds, infections and viruses are unfortunately a part of life and they often happen when you least expect it. But you’re not the only one at risk. Your pets can also fall sick unexpectedly and may need medical attention.

It can start as simply as coming home from work and finding your normally vivacious pooch cowering fearfully. That’s when you see the vomit on the carpet in a corner. You instantly carry them out to the car to take him to the vet. On the way you think, ‘I hope I’ve got enough money to cover the consultation.’

During the examination you find out that your dog will need to be placed on an IV as they are dehydrated. In addition to this, some blood tests and an X-Ray are required to find out what’s wrong with your beloved family pet.

And then you get the bill.

Luckily you can cover this consult plus the tests, but the vet tells you that according to the results your pooch may need more tests and possible surgery. It’s at this point you start seeing dollar signs.
This type of situation is exactly why it's a good idea to plan for your pets unexpected medical bills. But before you panic, there are a few things you can do to prepare for moments like this.

Some vets are open to payment plans and offer this as an option for larger bills. It doesn’t hurt to ask your vet if this is an option for you. If a payment plan is not available at your vet then you may consider taking a loan out to cover the medical bills.

However if you want to be proactive perhaps getting pet insurance is the best way to avoid a situation like this. There are so many different types of pet insurance available to suit all needs and cater to all budgets. For the most part, the cover will pay the majority of the vet bill and you will be able to get reimbursed quickly too.

Pet insurance is a safety net for any unexpected medical costs, operating pretty much like your own private health insurance, which you can depend on when you are sick or injured.

Avant de vous inscrire à une nouvelle politique, n'oubliez pas de faire vos recherches et trouver la bonne politique pour votre animal de compagnie. Si vous avez plus d'un ami à la fourrure, c'est une bonne idée de voir quelles compagnies d'assurance offrent des rabais pour signer plus d'un animal de compagnie, ce qui vous aidera à épargner plus à long terme.

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