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The Cat’s Meow: Excessive Meowing and How to Curb Cats’ Cries

 Par petbucket le 12 mars 2016 |
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Many cat owners have experienced the frustration of coming home to a seemingly endless barrage of meowing. Certain breeds, such as Siamese and Bengal cats, have a reputation for unnecessary “talking,” but the truth is any cat can take to excessive meowing. If kitty’s communicating too much, try to figure out the cause first. Once you know why he’s wailing, you can appropriately address the problem.
Cats call out for any number of reasons, and these reasons change as kittens mature into full-grown felines. Youngsters will meow for their mother’s attention when they’re hungry, uncomfortable or scared. But as your cat grows, he uses his voice to communicate with you, his owner. He might meow to greet you when you come home, for example. Your cat could also call out because of stress, which can happen after introducing a new pet, moving house, or any other major life event. Older cats tend to meow more when they feel confused or disoriented. Sometimes, your feline friend wants to communicate basic needs, such as an illness or hunger. Or, your cat may simply be seeking attention.
Don’t just ignore persistent meowing without ensuring there isn’t a problem first. Older cats can bump into objects in the dark, a problem easily solved by leaving a light on at night, and persistent meowing can be a cry for help when your pet is sick, trapped in a room, or out of water. If your cat is stressed, try to determine the source and help him adjust to the change, or offer extra attention if you cannot change the situation. However, if your cat is meowing for more self-satisfying reasons, the most important step in solving the problem is to not give in: Don’t reward kitty with a treat if he cries every time you walk past the food bowl, for example. Only give him attention when he’s quiet, reinforcing positive behavior— but still be sure to spend time with your cat daily. Remember, loneliness can be a catalyst for caterwauling, so seek ways to improve your cat’s life. If you can’t give him enough attention, consider hiring a pet sitter or engaging him with alternative activities, such as placing a bird feeder outside the window for your cat to watch. Don’t punish your cat by shouting, throwing objects or spraying water, as this rarely works to quiet him, but does create a distrustful pet. Continue rewarding quiet behavior and ignoring meowing, and eventually your cat should catch on and trade yowling for purring. If your cat seems to cry for no reason, consider a trip to the vet, as pets are often masters of hiding illnesses.


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