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Filtré par tag ('santé et bien-être')

Êtes-vous gratter la tête sur les pellicules de votre chien?

 Par danielle le 01 sept. 2014 |
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Les humains ne sont pas les seuls qui peuvent souffrir de pellicules - chiens aussi peuvent souffrir de démangeaisons, la peau squameuse qui crée des squames blanches disgracieuses qui se propage à travers le manteau et tombe sur tout le reste. Techniquement connue sous le nom de séborrhée, les p ...

Votre chat aurait-il une cystite?

 Par danielle le 01 sept. 2014 |
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Cystitis is a feline lower urinary tract disease that affects the urinary bladder and urethra of many cats. Cats that su...

Fumer affecter votre chien?

 Par jaime le 31 août 2014 |
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Governments and numerous health agencies have spent the last two decades raising awareness about the dangers of smoking....

Que faire quand votre chat refuse d'utiliser son bac à litière

 Par jaime le 31 août 2014 |
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It is frustrating when your cat refuses to use a litter tray, but it can also be cause for concern. As it turns out, your pet might be urinating outside of the designated area area due to medical reasons. Here's what you need to consider if you want ...

Perte d'équilibre chez les chats

 Par jaime le 30 août 2014 |
Have you noticed your cat moving to one side, tilting their head or other similar symptoms? They may be suffering from a...

Les chiots ont-ils vraiment besoin de nourriture chiot?

 Par michelle le 30 août 2014 |
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Puppies, like babies, receive complete nutrition from their mother’s milk. Eventually though, they’ll need to be weaned ...

5 raisons pour lesquelles votre chat ne cessera pas de pleurer

 Par jaime le 29 août 2014 |
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If your cat starts crying all the time, your first response may be distress and worry. However, many owners become annoyed when there is no apparent cause for constant crying. Since there can be serious underlying medical problems when a cat cries, i...

Les régimes différents peuvent-ils affecter le comportement d'un chien?

 Par jaime le 29 août 2014 |
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There a lot of other factors that affect a dog's behaviour, but many people also believe that diet can also be influenti...

Jaunisse à Chats

 Par jaime le 29 août 2014 |
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Icterus or yellow skin, more commonly known as jaundice is when tissues throughout the body turn yellow due to high leve...

Devriez-vous nourrir vos abats de chat?

 Par jaime le 28 août 2014 |
Choosing food for your cat can be a complex affair, as even expert opinions vary dramatically. Raw diets are increasingly more popular, and offal (i.e. the internal organs and entrails of animals) is often incorporated into these diets. Here's what y...
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